Doing This Will Get You Approved By CPA Networks
Over the last 12 months I’ve been able to test out many of the CPA networks, but one of them stands out above the rest in terms of payment, volume and customer service.They’re called TheBizOppNetwork, and I suggest that you sign up with them right away:
After TheBizOppNetwork, I’d recommend taking a look at the following CPA networks too:
Now then, how do you get accepted?
Well, when applying to any CPA network, you need to avoid looking like a beginner, even if you are one! Generally speaking, CPA networks DO NOT want these sorts of people because their potential for earning money for the network is lower.
As a result, you need to look (and sound) like an experienced veteran!
The first thing you need in order to create your own website is a host provider. I normally go with 1and1 web hosting very cheap, affordable and better customer care support.
This will help your chances of being accepted by the networks because, in a nutshell, it will make you look like you know what you’re doing!
Also, make sure you choose a respectable email address with your business domain. DON’T use one of the free email providers such as Hotmail or Gmail as the CPA networks are unlikely to take you seriously if you don’t even take the time to get the basics right.
Some CPA networks will call you upon registration and enquire as to whether
you’re suitable (more on this later).
They will want semi-new affiliates, so tell them that your Internet
marketing experience is 2 years or more. They don’t want a ‘green’ marketer
whose naivety and newbie tactics will reflect badly on the company.
They might also ask you what offers you intend to promote…
The answer I normally give is “anything that converts!” Then I elaborate on the
programs and products that I’ve promoted in the past: Commission Junction, ClickBank, Paydotcom and eBay, for example, as well as any other CPA networks I’ve used.
So then, now that you have a professional looking website and email address,
don’t let yourself down when it comes to answering the phone!
This needs to be done in a professional manner as well, so when (or if) the CPA network calls, make sure you answer it in a professional manner, giving your full name, and business name. Also, record a business-like voicemail message in case you miss the call…
suppliers; at the very least, they want to speak to you before they take you on, so that they can verify your business and your methods.
Once you’ve done all of this, be sure to call the CPA network that you applied to
the next business day. This will demonstrate that you’re a proactive affiliate who’s eager to get started.
Most CPA networks have to sift through many applications and they can be backlogged for weeks. However, calling them up can get your application to the front of the queue and you might even be approved on the spot.
If you are not a US resident, make sure you add the following in the description:
Your sites are 100% US based and generate 100% US traffic (CPA networks are wary of non-US affiliates).
I would also suggest that you avoid mentioning email marketing. Tell them that
you intend to use PPC marketing and media buying as your medium. Some CPA
networks have had difficulty governing email marketing with affiliates who are
outside (and inside) the USA.
When trying to gain acceptance with CPA networks, I’d advise that you use the
Following pointers, as they will demonstrate experience and knowledge of the field:
• You are a professional Pay-Per-Click marketer with 2 or more years of experience, specializing in 1st tier search engine marketing.
• You are highly experienced in retail affiliate marketing for cost-per-sale
items and have knowledge in the co-registration industry, including path
marketing, can-spam compliance, and email drops.
• You are currently working with a programmer that specializes in the
development of applications for large social networking sites.
• You’ve been involved in media buying in the international email submission categories with companies such as social media and Zohark.
If you’re on the phone with the CPA network representative, make sure you
rehearse this first, and ideally, research what it all means!
Here are some questions that CPA Network representatives may ask you, so
prepare some answers beforehand.
A: 50,000 – 10,0000.
Q: How do you get traffic?
A: I build blogs and web pages and I obtain traffic through PPC on Google.
Q: How long have you been doing Internet Marketing? A: A year and a half.
Q: What has worked for you in the past? A: Only PPC.
Q: What vertical/category/kind of offer do you want to promote, or have promoted in the past? A: Anything that converts. I’ve done gaming, freebies, health, ringtones, email submit, etc…
Q: Do you have incentive offers on your website?
A: No
Q: How much do you spend on advertising?
A: $100 per day
Q: Are you with any other affiliate companies?
A: Yes, name any that you have been accepted on, or name any random ones. Q: How did you hear about us? A: My friend told me, but he doesn’t work with you.
Answer all of these questions satisfactorily and follow the guidelines above and
you should be accepted into most CPA networks.
Once you’ve been accepted into a CPA network, you’ll be assigned a dedicated affiliate manager to your account! Great hey?!
What is an Affiliate Manager?
The role of your affiliate manager is to work with you in order to bring more traffic to the CPA network. The likelihood is that you’ll be working with your affiliate manager throughout your time with that particular network, so it’s vital that you try to build a good rapport and working relationship with them.
You also have to remember that your affiliate manager will be keen to make YOU money, because the amount of money they make is ultimately dependant on how successful their clients are, so the better you perform, the higher their commissions.
As a result, your affiliate manager will be keen to support you and tell you what CPA offers are performing best on their respective network.
Which CPA Offers to Choose
As we’ve already discussed, there are many different sorts of CPA offers that you
can promote…
Some require leads to fill in long forms, entering their name, address, email, and credit card information (if they’re purchasing a product). Others may just require an email address or a zip code.
As you can probably appreciate, the longer forms generate more money as they’re obtaining more information from the customer, but the shorter forms (email only) are more easily attainable. (More info is going to convert less, so it costs more and vice versa.)
There are also paid/sale offers where you can get the visitors to sign up for trial
offers and products, while other offers allow you to incentivize your traffic by
offering the lead a free gift or a bonus item in exchange for some of their
Here are the most common offers:
• Zip/email submissions (One field)
• Short forms (3-4 fields)
• Long forms (More than 4 fields)
• 2 page (2 pages of fields)
• Sales based (Surf the site, make a purchase etc)
Here’s an example of a zip code submission offer:

How simple as that?!
Think about it for a minute… There will be tons of parents, students and home-owners who will happily enter their zip code to see if they qualify for a free
washer and dryer.
Imagine having 1,000 people visit this freebie offer, and it coverts at, say, 20% (meaning that 20% of those visitors submitted their information). So a total of 200 visitors have entered their zip code.
Let’s say the offer pays you $1.00 per lead. That’s $200 in the bank!
(I will explain later some great ways that you can generate those 1,000 visitors.)
Now, let’s have a look at the sales based offer…
Imagine that you’ve sent the same 1,000 visitors to your offer and the landing page has converted at 20% again, meaning that 200 visitors have entered their email address…
The problem now, with a sales-based offer, is that you need some of these visitors to purchase the product in order for you to make money. So let’s say that 1% of that traffic actually buys the product (priced at an average $49.95)…
Well this is only 2 sales, which means you only earn $99.90.
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